Thursday, November 29, 2007

Boursin Cheese Potatoes

Here's another great recipe to help you use up the rest of your homemade Boursin Cheese!

3 pounds red potatoes, unpeeled
One 5 ounce package Boursin cheese
salt and pepper to taste
1 pint heavy cream
fresh chives or parsley, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wash and slice potatoes into 1/4 inch thick rounds. Toss potatoes with salt and pepper. Heat cream and cheese together, on top of stove until cheese has melted. Stir mixutre until thoroughly blended. Layer half of the potatoes into a 2 quart baking dish (this is best done in a deep dish instead of a long, flat dish). Cover potatoes with half of the cream mixture. Repeat with remaining potatoes and cream mixture. Cover and bake for 1 hour. Sprinkle top with chives or parsley.


Bonnie B. said...

What the heck is Boursin cheese?

Ashlee said...

Boursin Cheese is a really yummy garlic cream cheese. Sort of. It's a very soft cream cheese. You can use it for dips or over pasta, or whatever you would use a cream sauce on. I posted a chicken recipe previously that used it. YOu need to try it. It's unbelievably good. You can find it at Costco (the cheese that is...) or I also posted a recipe that shows how to make your own.