Friday, August 31, 2007

Pepperoni Pizza Soup

You're going to hate me over this recipe, because there are no exact ingredients. I kind of just put stuff together one day. So, let me know what you think.

2 cans tomato soup
penne pasta, cooked and drained
pepperoni slices
small can of sliced olives
mozzarella cheese
Make the tomato soup according to directions in a sauce pan. How much pasta you want in it depends on if you like a thicker soup, or a soupier soup. :0)
Add pepperoni slices...I think I toss in about 20 or so slices, but if you want more go for it!
Stir in oregano and garlic to preferred taste, and then let all of this simmer on the stove to let the flavors meld together. Stir frequently so as not to let the soup burn to the bottom of the pan. ;0)
Add olives at the end and continue cooking until they are warmed through.
Pour into serving bowls and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Serve immediately.
Ashlee side note: Landon ate this like he was starved. ;0) And it was tomato soup! Loved it! You can also make variations and do a meat lovers soup, or vegetable lovers....etc. I probably wouldn't suggest a hawaiian style pizza in this soup (yuck!) but you get the idea. Serve this with a bowl of salad and some garlic bread and your set! One of the easiest dinners to make!

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