Monday, August 18, 2008

'Tracy in Iowa's Sell-Your-Soul-to-Satan-For-One Brownies.'

That's what Christie calls them anyway. :0) I do have to say that they do look to DIE for.
Here's how hard it is.

Make a pan of brownies. I know...hard, right?
When cooled, spread with cream cheese frosting. You know the kind that comes in a little tub and says Pillsbury on the front? That cream cheese frosting.
Then, put 1 cup of peanut butter and 2 cups chocolate chips {might I suggest DARK chocolate?} into a microwave safe bowl and cook in the microwave until melted {about 1 minute}.
Add 3 cups of rice krispies cereal to the p.b. chocolate, mix until cereal is completely covered. Pout this mixture on top of the cream cheese frosted brownies.
Let the brownies set up {putting them in a refrigerator helps to speed up the process} and then eat them all up!

Not too difficult huh? So glad Christie decided to share the recipe with her bloggy friends.

Ashlee side note: When melting chocolate chips in the microwave, it helps to stir the chips after every 15 seconds to help prevent overcooking or burning. Just thought I'd share....

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